Listen UP!

I look good with a purple background. I look good wherever I am. I’ve been playing real hard in the big big grass yard where I’m spending some time. This place has a pack of two dogs living here. I’ve never lived with other dogs. I’ve been using my outdoor voice to give them lots of instructions. Older dogs don’t listen to us young guys. So that makes me tired and that’s why I’m napping here.

Strange Goings On Around Here

It’s been quiet around my blog recently. But not for me – I’ve been working on my zooming and playing really hard. Can’t get enough walks. I expect at least three a day and the people I live with sure like to walk me all over the place.  I see lots of things (my trainer calls it watching “doggy TV”),  and I get to bark at things that I don’t like – porta-potties, telephone poles.  Stuff like that.  I’m usually pretty well behaved – I try hard.  Gotta be exhuberant though. So, all this stuff makes me tired. I like to take a rest at the top of these steps. Just lying here thinking of giant tennis balls to chase.  Or my gefilte fish squeaky toy.

Me in Color

I went to Dakota’s woods today to check things out. Pretty day. And pretty me, of course! I blend in well with the Fall.

My Pied-a-Terre

The people who feed me went to Missouri.  (Oh, I love them – they’re pretty nice to me.)  That wasn’t my thing.  So I went to Haus Juris to visit my homeland.  Here I am sitting and relaxing at my country estate.  I own this place!

Deer Friends

One of my dear deer friends who greets me in the morning outside my fence.  I try not to bark.  I’m not sure how to stop.